By registering on Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform and/or accessing the Platform Services, you agree, declare and represent that:
- You are 18 years of age or older and where you are acting as guardian on behalf of a minor, you have necessary authority to register / sign up for the Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Services on behalf of the minor. You hereby unconditionally and unequivocally agree to promptly furnish and/or execute such additional document(s) (as may be requested from time to time), to establish Yourself as lawful guardian and to continue Your access to Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform including Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform Services. If Organisation learns that, Organisation have inadvertently collected personal information from a person under age 18 years, Company will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a person under 18 years may have provided Us with personal information, please write us at contact@bipsedu.com
- You are capable of entering into legally binding contract and that You are not barred or otherwise legally prohibited to use Bengal Institute of Professional Studies. You here by willing grant the permission to collect your email address, postal address and personal data for the purpose of admission related support and service only.
- You agree that transactions made through Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform shall be through your own bank account only and the said transactions do not violate or contravene to any law for the time being in force including Income Tax Act, anti-money laundering laws, anti-corruption laws, prevention of money laundering act etc. and the rules made thereunder.
- The information You provide when You register on the Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform is complete, true, correct, updated, accurate and belongs to You. In the event, your information is not accessible online, and You wish to change, modify, update, or delete Your personal information or other information that You may have provided, please contact us immediately at contact@bipsedu.com
- Bengal Institute of Professional Studies will make best efforts to provide alerts via SMS/e-mail/Whatsapp/push notifications and it shall be deemed that You shall have received the information sent from Company as an alert on the mobile phone number or e-mail id furnished by You on Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform or availing any Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform Services. You hereby unequivocally grant Company the right and authority to use your contact details as furnished by You at the time of registering on Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform as your primary, valid and default communication address for any and Bengal Institute of Professional Studies Platform Services. Company shall not be under any obligation to confirm the authenticity of the person(s) receiving the alert. You cannot hold Company liable for non-availability of the SMS/email alert/push notifications service in any manner whatsoever.
- Bengal Institute of Professional Studies is an Educational Service Provider and we also work as Higher Education Consultant, Bengal Institute of Professional Studies will not be held responsible in the event of any problem or dispute arises between Student and University/College after admission. Our limitation is till the admission service is provided and admission complete with respective College or universities.
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